Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wiener Werkstatte and high Art-Nouveau

Kolomon Moser, "SOMMER", lithograph, date unknown

When considering the artists of the Wiener Werkstatte, one normally expects abstracted figures and geometric forms and generally innovative images. However, a number of the big names in the WW produced work that, at first glance, looks quite like conventional French Art-Nouveau. The Wiener Werkstatte were producing work while Art-Nouveau was still very active in Europe. Thus it is unsurprising that they share stylistic forms. Granted, some of these examples were produced prior to the WW but they certainly serve as influences for these artist's later work.

Carl Otto Czeschka, "Ritter", Lithograph, 1897.
Carl Otto Czeschka, "Knight and Two Girls", lithograph, date unknown.

(via art_nouveau and Pabst, Michael. L'art Graphique À Vienne Autour De 1900. Paris: Mercure De France, 1985.)

1 comment:

  1. this is for fags! stupid vis com homework :@
